الخميس، 19 أبريل 2012

Parts of Speech أقسام الكلام

Parts of Speech
Learning about the parts of speech is the first step in  grammar study just as learning the letters of the alphabet is the first step to being able to read and write.  From learning the parts of speech we begin to understand the use or function of words and how words are joined together to make  meaningful communication. There are thousands of words in any language. But not all words have the same job. For example, some words express "action". Other words express a "thing". Other words "join" one word to another word.

We can categorize English words into 8 basic types or classes. These classes are called "parts of speech".
It's quite important to recognize parts of speech. This helps you to analyze sentences and understand them. It also helps you to construct good sentences.

Parts Of Speech:
Noun : a word that is the name of a person, place, thing or idea.
(Ahmed, Libya, Flag, Lion, etc)
This is my (dog). He lives in my (house). We live in (London).

Pronoun : a word that is used in place of a noun or phrase that contains a noun.
(I, you, them, him, his, their etc )
Tara is Indian.( She ) is beautiful.

Verb : a word or group of words that is used to indicate an action or state.
(Play, spoke, cut, done, slept, etc )
English Conversation( is ) a room. I (like) English Conversation.

Adjective : a word used with a noun that tells you more about it.
(Rich man, poor boy, beautiful red flower, terrible dark )
My dog is big. I like big dogs.

Adverb : a word that adds information to a verb, adjective, phrase or another adverb.
(Omer writes slowly, We quickly finished dinner, They never ate sweets  )
My dog eats( quickly ). When he is( very ) hungry, he eats ( really ) quickly.

Preposition : a word or phrase that is used before a noun or pronoun to show place, time, direction, etc.
(A suitcase on the chair, My clothes in the suitcase, Will be at 10.00 pm )
We went ( to ) school ( on ) Monday.

Conjunction : a word that is used for joining other words, phrases or sentences.
(Ahmed and Ali visited us yesterday )
I like dogs ( and ) I like cats. I like cats ( and ) dogs. I like dogs ( but ) I don't like cats.

Interjection : a word or phrase that is used as an expression  of surprise, pain, pleasure, ect.
(Alas! She died. Really! You'll married me )
Ouch! That hurts! Hi! How are you? Well, I don't know.

(( ملخص الدرس ))
أقسام الكلام
1 – الاسم : كلمة تدل على اسم شخص أو مكان أو اي شئ جامد أو كائن حي أو فكرة.
Ahmed, Libya, Flag, Lion, electromagnet, etc

2 – الضمير : هو مايدل على اسم أو يحل محله.
I,you,them,him,his,their etc

3 – الفعل : هو مايدل على حدوث شئ معين في زمن محدد.
Play, spoke, cut, done, slept, etc

4 – الصفة : كلمة تصف الاسم وتكون قبله.
Rich man, poor boy, beautiful red flower, terrible dark

5 – الحال أو الظرف : كلمة تصف الفعل أو تزيد الصفة وضوحاً .
Omer writes slowly, We quickly finished dinner, They never ate sweets.

 6 – حروف الجر : ويأتي قبل الاسم او الضمير ليبين علاقته بكلمة أخرى.
A suitcase on the chair, My clothes in the suitcase, Will be at 10.00 pm

7 – حروف العطف : كلمة تصل بين كلمة واخرى او جملة واخرىAhmed and Ali visited us yesterday

8 – حروف التعجب : عبارة عن أصوات أو صيحات تعبر عن التعجب.
Alas! She died. Really! You'll married me.

انقر على الصورة لمشاهدتها بوضوح 

لا تنسانا من صالح دعائك

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